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时间: 焯杰2 翻译




  1.对联是由富有诗意的两句话组成,通常是押韵的:“富有诗意的两句话”可翻译为a pair of lines ofpoetry。“押韵的”可译为 rhymed。

  2.人们用所能掌握的最好的书法水平将它们写在红色竖纸条上:该句可以和第一句话结合,作定语从句。其中“写在红色竖纸条上”可以翻译为written on vertical slips of red paper。“人们用所能掌握的最好的书法水平”则用in短语引出,译为in the best calligraphic style one can master。

  3.上联贴在前门的右侧,下联贴在前门的左侧:本句中的“上联”以及“下联”不能按照汉语意思直接意为upperline和downn line,而要根据意思译为the first line of a couplet和the second line of a couplet。下文中的“横批”可译为the horizontal scroll,因为它是横着贴的,所以要用horizontal翻译。

  4.它也是一个同时与中国语言和文字相关的艺术:“与…相关”可译为be relate to…或have the relationto...。“同时…和…”可用both and…来表示。


  泥塑(clay figurine)是中国古老的民间艺术之一。它的历史可以追溯到新石器时代(the Neolithic Period)。泥塑以粘土为原料,用手工塑制成人、花、鸟、虫、鱼等各种形象,其中以“泥人张”(Clay Figurine Zhang) 的泥塑最为出名。“泥人张”制作的塑像精美而生动,富有浓郁的地域风情。随着中国旅游业的发展,泥塑已经成为广受欢迎的旅游纪念品,得到世界各地游客的青睐。


  Clay figurine is one of the old folk arts in China. Its history can date back to the NeolithicPeriod. With the clay as raw material, clay figurines are made manually into various images ofhumane, flowers, birds, insects and fish, among which the most famous are those by ClayFigurine Zhang. Delicate and vivid, his clay figurines are rich in regional customs. With thedevelopment of China's tourism industry, clay figurines have become popular travel souvenirs,favored by tourists from all over the world.


  1.第1句中的“……是中国古老的民间艺术之一”可逐字对译为...is one of Chinese old folk arts,但不如译为...is one of the old folk arts in China 顺口地道。

  2.第3句中的“以粘土为原料”为方式状语,用介词短语with the clay as raw material来表达,“用手工塑制成的主语为“泥塑”,实则表被动,故译为clay figurines are made manually into。“其中以‘泥人张’的泥 塑最为出名”是解释说明“泥塑”的,故可用among which引导的非限制性定语从句来译出,表达为among whichthe most CEunous are those by Clay Figurine Zhang,用 those 来代替 clay figurines,以避免重复。

  3.第4句中的“精美而生动”是“泥人张”制作的塑像的特点,为该句所强调的重点,因此应将delicate andvivid 置于句首表强调。“‘泥人张’制作的塑像”则移至后半句作主语,可承上一句简略表达为his clayfigurines。

  4.最后一句中的“随着中国旅游业的发展”表伴随,作状语,因此用介词短语with the development ofChlna's tourism industry来表达。因该句已有谓语,故将“得到世界各地游客的青睐”处理为状语,用过去分词短语 fevored by tourists from all over the world 来表达。