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时间: 焯杰2 中考英语备考


  You’ll probably start the meal with soup, or something small as a “starter” (酵母), then you’llhave meat or fish with vegetables, and then a dessert (甜食), followed by coffee. It’s polite tofinish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it. Some people eat bread withtheir meal, but not everyone does.

  Before they take out their cigarettes after the meal, most people usually ask, “Do you mindif I smoke here?”

  Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, or write them a short “thank you”letter. Perhaps it seems funny to you, but British and American people say, “thank you, thankyou, and thank you.” all the time.

  1.If your English or American friends don’t invite you to dinner at home, ______.

  A.it shows they don’t like you B.B. it shows they have no time to get together

  C.it shows they don’t want to make friends with you D. it doesn’t show they don’t like you

  2.When you are invited to go to your friend’s home, _____.

  A. you shouldn’t take anything with you B. you may go at any time

  C. you may take an expensive present with you D. you may take a small present with you

  3.In England and America, it’s not polite to _______.

  A.ask the price of a thing B. eat all the food on your plate C. talk to your hosts D. eat toofast

  4.In the passage, the order of the serving of a meal is _____.

  A.Dessert—meat or fish with vegetables—coffee—soup

  B.Coffee—soup—dessert—meat or fish with vegetables

  C.meat or fish with vegetables—dessert—soup—coffee

  D.soup—meat or fish with vegetables—dessert—coffee

  5.Which is not right?

  A.In England or America, it usually takes more than three hours to have a dinner party athome

  B.If you are invited to go to a dinner party, you can’t arrive early.

  C.You mustn’t smoke after a meal when you are with some American or English people.

  D.You’d better write a short “Thank you” letter to your hosts or give them a call if you wantto be extra polite.




  2.D.“It’s polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a present.”一句是该题的出处。

  3.A.正确理解“remember—not to ask how much things cost.”这句话才能得出答案。


  5.C.A、B、D三个选项在文中都有明确的说明。而根据“Before they take out their cigarettes afterthe meal, most people usually ask…”可以看出,抽烟前应当用“Do you mind if I smoke here?”这句话征求一下对方的意见。由此可将C项排除。


  Strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided (划分) intotwenty-four zones (时区), one hour apart (一个时区相差一个小时). You can have days with more orfewer than twenty-fours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.

  If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋), your ship enters a differenttime zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, youset your clock back, traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-fiveor twenty-three hours.

  If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean (太平洋), you cross the International Date Line(国际日期变更线). By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross theline, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, todaybecomes yesterday. Traveling west, it is tomorrow.

  1.Strange things happen to time when you travel because ______.

  A. no day really has twenty-four hours B. no one knows where time zones begin

  C. the earth is divided into time zones D. in some places one day always has twenty-fivehours

  2.The difference in time between zones is ________.

  A. one hour B. more than seven days C. seven days D. twenty-four hours

  3.If you travel across the Atlantic Ocean, going east, you set your clock _____.

  A.one hour ahead in each time zone B. one hour ahead for the whole trip

  C. one full day back for each time zone D. one hour back in each time zone

  4.From this passage, it seems true that the Atlantic ______.

  A.is in one time zone B. is divided into twenty-four zones

  C. is divided into five time zone D. is in four time zones

  5.The International Date Line is the name for ______.

  A.the beginning of any new time zone

  B.any point where time changes by one hour

  C.the point where a new day begins

  D.the end of any new time zone



  1.C 由句首的那一句话可知,导致这种奇怪现象的原因就是因为时区的划分。

  2.A 根据首句,再联系地理方面的知识,可知时区与时区之间的时间差为一个小时。

  3.A 根据第二段的介绍,自西向东横渡大西洋时,因每增加一个时区,就早一个小时。即“…travelingeast, you set it ahead.”,所以答案为A。

  4.C 段首一句说得非常清楚,“横渡大西洋做五天的旅行”,段落末尾又说“每一天你的旅行不是二十四小时,就是二十五小时”。由此可以判断大西洋跨五个时区。

  5.C “…this is the point where a new day begins.”是答案的出处。
