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This is my sister教案及反思

时间: 焯杰2 中考英语备考

  This is my sister英语教案:

  C、 运用名词的复数形式。

  2、 能力目标:

  A、 运用所学词汇介绍家人和朋友,并能够用短信的形式表达出来;

  B、 通过对话练习,掌握介绍人物时常用的词汇、惯用语,并把它运用到实际生活中去,提高学生的交际能力。

  3、 学习策略:通过对人物个性化的描述,识别图片。

  4、 情感目标:通过介绍家人和了解朋友的家人,增进彼此的了解,建立友谊,从而更好地尊重对方,理解家人。






  第一课时 Section A 1a-1c

  第二课时 Section A 2a-4

  第三课时 Section B 1-2c

  第四课时 Section B 3a-Self-check

  Period One


  Step One: New words.

  ①Present the new words.

  T: Hello , everyone ! Look ! What’s this ?

  Ss: It’s a picture .

  T: Right . Who is the man in the picture ?

  Ss: It’s you.

  T: Yes, it’s me . You know me . Please look at this . Do you know them ?

  Ss: No , we don’t .

  T: They are my family members . Today I want to introduce my family members to you . Would you like to meet them ?

  Ss: Yes .

  T: OK . Please look at this man ? Is he old ?

  Ss: Yes .

  T: He is my “grandfather”. Please read after me , GRANDFATHER G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R ,grandfather .

  Ss: G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R , grandfather .

  T: This is my grandfather .

  (Teach the word “grandmother” in the same way .)

  T: He is my “grandfather”. He is my “grandmother”. These are my grandparents. Read after me , grandparents.

  Ss: Grandparents.

  (Stick the word “grandparents” on the blackboard. Then teach theses words mother, father, brother, sister and friend in the same way.)

  T: I have two brothers, two sisters, I have many friends.

  (Teach brothers, sisters, and friends.)

  T: Read these new words together.

  Ss: …

  ②Practice the new words.

  T: Who can match the words with the pictures on the blackboard?

  Ss: I can. (Textbook P13 1a)

  (Ask one student to the front to do it. The other students write down letters on the books. In this way finish 1a.)

  T: Check the answers.

  Ss: …

  T: Is he right?




  Ss: Yes.

  (One more student gives the answers.)

  Step Two: Drill

  ①Listen and circle.

  T: A boy is talking about his family. Who is he talking about? Now listen and circle the people the boy talks about.

  Ss: OK.

  (Play the recording of 1b twice. Students work.)

  T: What’s the answer?

  S: Two brothers and sister.

  ②Pairwork. Talk about Dave’s family.

  T: This is a picture of Dave’s family. Let’s talk about Dave’s family in pairs. You must use “ This is …” and “ These are …” to do it.

  (Students practice. Teacher walks around the room to help them.)

  T: Now check your peactice.

  S1: Who is this?

  S2: This is his …

  S1: Who are these?

  S2: These are his …

  (Ask a few pairs to practice.)

  Step Three: Task

  ①Talk about the family tree.

  T: Look at the family tree.

  (Stick a family tree on the blackboard.)

  T: Let’s talk about the family tree, You can do it in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or you can do it yourself. Then report it to the class.

  (Students work. Teach moves around the classroom to help the students.)

  T: Check your task.

  S3: Hello. My name is …Look at this. This is my family tree. This is my…and this is my…They are old. These are my … This is my… This is my … My mother is … This is my … His name is … I love my family.




  T: Very good. Next make a dialogue in pairs about your family. First, you must greet each other, then introduce your family.

  (Two students come to the front.)

  SA: Hello.

  SB: Hello. How are you ?

  SA: Fine, thank you. And you?

  SB: I’m fine, too.

  SA: Excuse me! What’s this?

  SB: It’s my family tree.

  SA: Who’s this?

  SB: This is my grandfather.

  SA: Who’s this?

  SB: This is my grandmother.

  SA: Is this your father?

  SB: Yes, he is.

  SA: The women is your mother?

  SB: Yes, she is.

  SA: Who’s the boy?

  SB: He is my brother.

  (A few pairs do this.)

  T: You did well.

  ②Make a survey.

  T: Please take out the family photos you bring to school. Work in groups of four. Fill in the form. Then report it to the class.

  Family Family members

  (Students work. Teacher moves around the classroom to help the students.)(Students report to the class.)

  Step Four: Homework

  Write a passage about your family.



  This is my sister教学反思:

  本课的核心话题是介绍家庭成员(family members),同时也是教学难点。本节课以任务贯穿教学的各个环节。学生活动目的明确,能准确的使用目标语言,在活动中学习掌握知识。设计思路清晰,设计符合学生的认知能力和认知规律。导入自然,课堂教学形式多样,且以学生活动为主体;能关注学生的情感,整个过程以激励评价为主,以评价促学生发展。设计的活动,丰富了学生课堂形式,同时也是一种真实的体验,增加学生的语言实践,同时对学生进行情感教育,通过介绍家人和了解朋友的家人,既能促进学生们彼此间的了解,又增强了友谊,使他们学会更好地相互尊重;同时,进一步加深学生们对自己家人的理解,增进家庭和睦。要求他们多发现别人的优点,学会友好相处,达到了教学目标。同时要注意的是,学生活动之前的范例一定要明确清晰,要每个孩子都知道做什么和怎么做,活动才会顺利的开展,学生才能在活动中有所得。个别学生由于害怕犯错误不敢大胆发言,今后应多组织活动培养学生的自信心及参与意识。

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