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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考


  “We covered tsunamis because they can be caused by earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides,” he added. “I’ve taught this particular course for at least 11 years.”

  Kearney uses audiovisual(视听教学的) teaching aids such as interactive whiteboards to exploit geographic information online (his class often visits nationalgeographic.com). Tilly’s class had looked up U.S. websites about tsunami’s early warning systems.

  “The teacher has a computer on the desk and can project different web pages onto the whiteboard,” Kearney said. “It’s helped make great strides in teaching geography, it really brings it into the classroom.”

  On December 26,2004, Tilly Smith, ten, saw “bubbles on the water and foam sizzling(发出嘶嘶声) just like in a frying pan” while walking on Phuket Island beach with her family. Her mind kept going back to the geography lesson Mr. Kearney gave just two weeks before she flew out to Thailand on vacation. She recognized these as the warning signs of a tsunami.

  She told her parents and alerted the staff of the Marriott Hotel, where they were staying. The beach was evacuated(撤离) just minutes before the killer tsunami struck. It was one of the few on Phuket Island where no one was killed or seriously hut.

  1. The purpose of the passage is to tell us ______.

  A. how geography is taught in British schools

  B. how Tilly Smith used her knowledge to save tourists from tsunami

  C. why Tilly Smith was named “Child of the Year 2005”

  D. the relationship between classroom knowledge and its practical use

  2. Which of the following words can best describe geography teaching in Britain?

  A. Practical. B. Exciting. C. Audiovisual. D. Interactive.

  3. The underlined word “it” in paragraph 6 refers to ______.

  A. web page B. computer C. whiteboard D. geography

  4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

  A. Tilly Smith’s parents and the hotel staff had no knowledge of tsunamis.

  B. No other beaches on Phuket Island were evacuated before the tsunami struck.

  C. The warning signs of the tsunami were the same as Tilly Smith had learned.

  D. Tilly Smith and her family had not left the hotel room before the tsunami struck.


  1. B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章重点介绍了Tilly Smith如何利用课堂上所学知识拯救游客的。答案为B。

  2. A 推理判断题。根据文章所介绍的英国小学的地理教学模式以及Tilly Smith所做的一切可以得出结论:英国的地理教学很实用。

  3. D 代词替代题。根据前文“The teacher has a computer on the desk and can project different web pages onto the whiteboard”可知,该句的意思应该是:它(计算机)把地理真实地带入了课堂。

  4. C 推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段的介绍可以得到答案,Tilly Smith正是运用了地理课堂上学到的知识在海啸中救人。文章倒数第二段中“Her mind kept going back to the geography lesson…”也验证了这一点。B项与原文信息不符;A、D两项缺乏信息支持。


  The German port of Hamburg has been offered $ 10,500 to change its name to “Veggieburg” by animal rights activists who are unhappy about the city’s association with hamburgers. “Hamburg could improve animal welfare and bring kindness to animals by changing its name to Veggieburg,” the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) WROTE IN A LETTER SENT TO Hamburg Mayor Ole von Beust. The German branch of PETA, which has 750,000 members worldwide, said the organization would give Hamburg’s childcare facilities 10,000 euros worth of vegetarian burgers if the city changed its name. But city officials in Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city which traces its roots to the ninth century, were unmoved. “I cannot afford to waste my time with this. I don’t even want to look at nonsense like this,” said Klaus May, a city government spokesman. “But that doesn’t mean we Hamburgers don’t have a sense of humor.” In its letter, PETA said the name Hamburg reminded people of “unhealthy beef patties(肉饼) made of dead cattle”. “Millions of people fall ill each year with deadly illnesses like heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes from eating hamburgers,” PETA said in the letter.

  The original “hamburger steak”, a dish made of ground beef, traveled west with Germans to the United States in the 19th century. The first mention of “hamburgers” appeared on a menu in a New York restaurant in 1834. Some historians trace its beginning to a beef sandwich once popular with sailors in Hamburg. The city’s name “Hamburg” comes from the old Saxon words “ham” (bay) and “burg” (castle). PETA recently made a similar offer to the U.S. town of Hamburg, New York. But their $15,000 bid was refused.

  1. Why did PETA suggest changing the name “Hamburg”?

  A. Because the name reminded people of a food made of animal meat.

  B. Because changing the name can prevent people from eating hamburgers.

  C. Because it can bring children much food to change the name.

  D. Because hamburgers cause so many diseases every year.

  2. What does the new name “Veggieburg” suggest?

  A. Stopping eating meat.

  B. Eating vegetables instead of meat.

  C. It’s better for children to eat vegetables.

  D. Treating animals better.

  3. Which of the following statements of the German name “Hamburg” is true?

  A. The name came from a kind of food.

  B. The name came from the old German language.

  C. The name has a long history.

  D. The name has something to do with sailors.

  4. What do you think is the result of the suggestion raised by PETA?

  A. The two cities will have new names.

  B. The present names of the two cities will last.

  C. The children in Hamburg will have nothing to eat.

  D. People won’t eat hamburgers in the future.


  1. A 细节理解题。德国城市汉堡因为与食物汉堡包名字相似,很容易让人联想到汉堡包所带来的负面影响,所以善待动物组织建议更名。

  2. B 词义推测题。结合全文,善待动物组织反对用动物肉做的汉堡包,Veggieburg的词头与蔬菜(vegetable)相近,意思应该是“用蔬菜做的汉堡包”,即提倡吃蔬菜。本题应用构词法去推断词的含义。

  3. C 细节理解题。名字可追溯到九世纪,所以历史久远,由第9行“which traces its roots to the ninth century”可知答案为C。A、B、D三项表述均错误。

  4. B 综合判断题。两个城市都继续用现在的名字,因为两个城市都拒绝了PETA要求更名的提议。文章有两处信息“But city officials in Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city which traces its roots to the ninth century, were unmoved.”及“But their $ 15,000 bid was refused.”有提示。
