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时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解


  The latest data, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, doesn’t _2_ thosefindings. Drug use is not the same as drug addiction-higher intelligence is a protectivefactor against alcoholism and addictions; _3_, smarter people are more likely to drink or trydrugs. Social drinking in many countries and non-problematic drinking is more _4_ andcommon among people with higher education. But why? What protects them from _5_ intoaddiction?

  Intelligence can serve as a vehicle for _6_ when it comes to alcohol or drug use-the moreeducated people are, the more they internalize and appreciate the dangers and risks of _7_.

  Intelligence can also _8_ more curiosity and openness to new experiences. And that includesexperimenting with alcohol and drugs. People have the impression that intelligence issomehow related to being _9_ and bookwormish, but large studies definitely find thatintelligence is associated with sensation-seeking and seeking different kinds of experiences,including learning new things. It could be related to the nature of intelligence. Suchexperimentation doesn’t always lead to addiction or problematic behavior because this typeof exposure often involves a few experiences before the person moves on to the next _10_.


  A) execution B) moderation C) compelling D) indulgence

  E) nonetheless F) decent G) frequent H) novelty

  H) spur J) damaging K) deviate L) sliding

  M) exceptionally N) introverted O) contradict



  2.[O]空格在助动词doesn’t之后,应为动词原形。本段第2句提到“高智商是让人远离酒瘾和毒瘾的保护性因素”,可见最新的数据与之前的研究结果相近,contradict符合句意,表示“最新的数据与以前的研究成果一 致”。




  6.[B]空格在介词for之后,应为名词。句子谓语serve as“充当”表明这里讲智力的作用,再结合appreciatethe dangers and risks(辨别出危险之处)可知,这种作用应该是自我节制的能力,moderation符合文中语境。

  7.[D]空格在介词of之后,应为名词。the dangers and risks of...具体说明这些人能识别出某种危险,结合上段末句的问题可推断,该词应与addiction近义,据此选用indulgence。

  8. [I]空格在助动词can和宾语more curiosity and openness之间,应为动词原形。根据后文提到的“很多研究发现智力与寻求刺激和不同体验有关,包括学习新事物”可推知,此处应讲智力能“激发”人对新鲜事物的 好奇心,故选用spur。

  9.[N] and表明此处应填入与bookwormish并列的形容词或分词,且带有消极含义。此处应选用introverted,说明人们以为聪明的人都是“性格内向的”书呆子。

  10.[H]空格在the next后面,应为名词。本段的主要内容是:智力高的人容易对新鲜事物产生好奇心,他们会去尝试各种新鲜事物,所以不会沉迷。moves on to和the next表明智力高的人容易“转移到下一个目标”,这 个目标应该与前文提及的new experiences或new things意思相近,故选用novelty最为合适。