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时间: 楚欣2 阅读理解

  This woman is known for her scientific discoveries and the progress _8_ from them. Of courseher scientific discoveries are _9_ and usefull.It is also important to understand the kind ofwoman that she was.She was stubborn, and she hated to lose, but it was her goal to usescience to help the world in whatever way possible. Her stubbornness led to persistence and_10_. These qualities promoted the use of her brilliance. The love and support of her familytaught Marie to never question the possibilities that stood before her.

  A) trivial B) convinced C) possibilities D) merely

  E) reassured F) impressive G) opportunity H) dispensable

  I) derived J) adaptabilities K) eventually L) defense

  M) confused N) determination O) essential




  3.[E]根据空格前后的didn’t dazzle(不忽悠)和attracted(吸引),可知此处应填入意义上并列的谓语动词,表积极含义。reassured“使放心,使消除疑虑”符合句意逻辑。


  5.[L]此处应填人名词,作hear的宾语。defense of dissertation指“论文答辩”,故选defense。

  6.[B]此处需填入谓语动词,宾语是the dean,与后文“院长为女生开设微积分课程”有关。前面提到玛丽的愿望是让学生受益(her desire to be useful to us),因此convinced“说服”符合句意逻辑。

  7.[G]空格前的every表明此处应填人可数名词单数形式,作provide的宾语。空格前的tooth and nail是一个很生动的比喻,表示“拼命",句意为玛丽想让这些女孩子拥有在学术界能取得成功的工具,并竭尽全力争取为她们提供每一个……。opportunity“机会”符合此处的语义逻辑。



  10.[N]此处需填入与persistence(坚持)并列的名词,说明stubbornness (固执)所产生的积极影响。故空格处应填入与persistence —样表积极含义的词。persistence and determination是个常用的表达,意为“坚韧和果断”。

  Archaeologists have long thought that stone ships served as graves for one or severalindividuals, and have even been viewed as death ships _1_ to take the dead to living eternally.However, a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Gothenburg shows adifferent picture. It suggests Bronze Age stone monuments in the form of ships were built bysailors as a symbol of their practices at sea.

  The study indicates that the stone ships and the activities that took place there point to peoplewho were _2_ focused on practices at sea.Details found within the stone structures show theywere built to _3_ real ships. The stone ships offer up _4_ about the ship-building techniques ofthe time and about the ships that sailed on the Baltic Sea during the Bronze Age.

  “These consist of areas that resemble hill forts and are located near easily _5_ points in thelandscape—that is, near well-known waterways leading inland,” Wehlin, head of the team,said. “While these areas have previously been thought to be much younger, recent age _6_have dated them to the Bronze Age.”

  Archaeologists have believed that bronze was _7_ to Scandinavia from the south, and recentanalyses have helped confirm this _8_. However, the people who distributed the bronze objectsare _9_ addressed in these thoughts.

  “One reason why the meeting places of the Bronze Age are not discussed very often is that wehaven’t been able to find them,” Wehlin said. “This is in _10_ contrast to the trading places ofthe Viking Age, which have been easy to locate as they left behind such rich archaeologicalmaterial.”

  A) majorly B) represent C) evacuate D) rarely

  E) determinations F) clues G) anticipated H) inquiries

  I) intended J) approximately K) accessible L) notion

  M) inevitable N) immense O) imported


  1.[l]空格与to take the dead... eternally—起作death ship的后置定语,说明其作用是“让逝者得到永生”。intended符合句意,与served as在语义上呼应,指出石船一度被视为死亡之船,旨在让逝者得到永生。

  2.[A] were focused on...为动词词组,故空格应为修饰动词的副词。上一段末尾提及石船遗迹是人们在海上活动的象征,据此可以推断此处描述的人“主要”在海上生活或工作,词库中majorly符合上下文语境。


  4.[F]空格在动词词组offer up之后,应为名词,作offer up的宾语。此处说明“石船”和“那个时代的造船技术”之间的关系,clues符合句意,表明石船提供了那个时代的造船技术的相关线索。

  5.[K]空格在副词和名词之间,应为修饰名词的形容词或分词。本句破折号后的内容是对名词points的补充说明,根据well-known waterways leading inland可推断这些地方容易接近,词库中accessible与破折号后的内容相呼应,故为本题答案。

  6.[E]空格所在句子由两个分句组成,前一个分句指出人们原先认为那些地区存在的年代并不久远(muchyounger),而后一分句指出可以追溯到青铜器时代。空格前的age不能和动词date搭配,可见age不是主语,空格处应填入名词,故选用determinations —词,age determinations表示“年代测定”。

  7.[O] to…和from…表示方向的移动,可见空格应为动词的过去分词,与was —起构成句子的谓语。动词库中imported符合以上要求,该句意为“考古学家一直认为青铜是从南方输入到斯堪的纳维亚地区的”

  8.[L] this提水此处说填入名词单数形式,上一句提到考古举家的某一看法,再结合句中的confirm“证实”,推断填入的名词含有“观点,看法”之类的意思,notion符合语义。


  10.[N]空格在介词和名词之间,可见成为修饰名词的定语。北欧海盗时代(the Viking Age)有丰富的考古资料,而青器时代很多东西都没法找到,这两个年代区别很大,故选用immense一词,in immense contrast意为“有巨大的差别”。