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时间: 楚欣2 阅读理解

  “We have long suspected that stress can _2_ our ability to control our emotions, but this isthe first study to document how even mild stress can undercut therapies designed to keepour emotions in _3_ said senior author and psychology professor Elizabeth Phelps. “In otherwords, what you learn in the clinic may not be as _4_ in the real world when you’re stressed.”

  To help patients learn to _5_ their emotional impairment, therapists sometimes usecognitive restructuring techniques encouraging patients to alter their thoughts or approachto a situation to change their emotional response. These might include focusing on thepositive or non-threatening aspects of an event or _6_ that might normally produce fear.

  To test how these techniques hold up in real-life situations, the team _7_ a group of 78volunteers, who viewed pictures of snakes and spiders. Some of the pictures were paired withan electric shock, and participants _8_ developed a fear of these pictures. The subjects“reported more _9_ feelings of fear when viewing the pictures, compared with when they viewedimages not paired with a shock.

  Next the participants were taught cognitive strategies, similar to those _10_ bytherapists andknown as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to learn to diminish the fears brought on by theexperiment.

  A) check B) regulate C) eventually D) consequences

  E) impair F) stimulus G) bleak H) enlisted

  I) relevant J) prescribed K) therapies L) confined

  M) incidentally N) intense O) breach


  1.[K]填入空格的词在定语从句(that teach people...)充当主语,可知此处应填入名词复数形式。根据后面的内容“教人们如何控制情绪”、“治疗社交焦虑和恐惧”,可以推断空格所需的名词应该与“疗法”有关,故从名词库中选用therapies。


  3.[A]介词in提示空格处需填入名词。句中的designed to...为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰therapies。而这些疗法的目的在于帮助人们控制情绪,因此选check一词,keep emotions in check意为“控制情绪”。

  4. [I]空格前的as常用于表示比较,其后通常为形容词或副词,根据as前面的系动词be确定空格应为形容词,作be的表语。In other words表明本句是对上一句内容的解释,由此推断,此处说的是:医院教你的方法未必在现实世界中能“起作用”,词库中的relevant表达相近的意思。

  5.[B] learn常用于learn to do sth.,因此空格处应填入动词原形。emotional impairment“精神障碍”提示填入的动词应包含“控制”、“调节”之类的意思,词库中regulate符合句意。




  9.[N]比较级标记more和名词feelings提示,此处应为形容词。本句对比了伴有电击的图片和没有电击的图片对受试者的影响,结合上句内容可知,蛇和蜘蛛的图片会让人产生恐惧,而伴有电击的图片会让恐惧感更 “强烈”,故此处选用intense。

  10.[J]由空格后的by therapists可推知,此处需要填入动词的过去分词作those的后置定语,those指代下文的cognitive-behavioral therapy,疗法得由治疗师开出,故prescribed符合语法和语义。

  Some say it is evident that computers can damage a person’s eyesight. Since the popularity ofcomputers began to skyrocket, there have been questions _1_ with computer screens and eyestrain. There are plenty of symptoms that often show up as a result of eye strain fromcomputer screens. It may first start with a little _2_. Then, it may progress to dry eyes, _3_vision and even headaches. However, the extent to which computer screens damage eyesight is_4_ unclear.

  Taking a ten to 15 minutes' break every hour while working is a good way to help avoid thisand rest your eyes, though your _5_ may not be as generous with your break periods. Ifpossible, break up computer tasks and non-computer tasks throughout the day as much aspossible.

  One of the major improvements in computer screens has also helped Still, even an LCD screen,if it is not adjusted _6_ or if it is too bright, can be just as hard on the eyes. This is veryimportant as many people tend to keep their LCD screens too bright, simply because they arenot viewing them from a proper angle and may be trying to _7_ for the “screen door” effect.

  Fortunately, most of the eye damage, if it is to be called that, resulting from the use ofcomputer

  screens tends to be a __8__ situation. Once the eyes are rested long enough, the symptomstend to quickly go away. However, if the eyes are not _9_ rested, the symptoms may returnquicker than they appeared at first once computer activities _10_.

  A) somewhat B) principal C) temporary D) vulnerable

  E) soreness F) properly G) sufficiently H) whereby

  I) compensate J) employers K) associated L) prospect

  M) blurred N) proceeded O) resume


  1.[K] ... with computer screens and eye strain作后置定语,修饰名词questions,因此空格处应填入动词分词,且能与with搭配。词库中associated符合句意,指这些问题把电脑屏幕和眼睛疲劳“联系”起来。


  3.[M]空格后是名词,且与前面的dry eyes为并列关系,由此可见空格处最有可能是形容词,说明视觉疲劳对视力的影响,分词blurred符合句意,blurred vision意为“视觉模糊”。





  7. [I]空格在不定式标记to之后,应为动词原形,并可与介词for连用。此句说明为什么许多人喜欢把液晶屏的亮度调高,compensate符合句意,该句的意思是:人们喜欢把液晶屏调得很亮,以抵消因为看液晶屏的角度不正确而造成的“纱门效应”的影响。

  8.[C]此处应为名词、形容词或分词,作situation的定语。句子开头的fortunately(庆幸的是)表明此处应该讲电脑对眼睛的影响并不是太糟糕,故选temporary “短暂的”。

  9.[G] however表明此句与上句形成对比,上句讲的是得到足够的休息(rested long enough),由此可知,本句讲的是休息不充分。空格处应填入副词,词义与long enough接近,词库中sufficiently符合语义。

  10.[O] once引导的条件从句里,缺少谓语,因此空格处应该是动词。该从句是对现在的假设,谓语动词应使用一般现在时。the symptoms may return肯定与继续使用电脑有关,resume符合此处语义。注意,不要受空格前的they appeared时态的误导,错误断定此处要使用过去时。