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时间: 未知2 口语
A: I think we have an obligation to protect our natural habitat.
B: I agree. That is why I promote recycling.
n. (动物的)栖息地,住处
A: How did he get your personal details?
B: He hacked into my computer and stole them.
vt. 1.劈,砍;2.骑(马)缓行
vi. 1.劈,砍;2.开出租车;3.骑马缓行
n. 1.蹩脚文人,雇佣文人;2.出租车,出租车司机;3.劈,砍;4.骑用马,供出租的马
hack into 私自存取或篡改(他人电脑资料)
hack through 在...中开路
A: Is it snowing?
B: No, I think it is hail.
n. 1.雹;2.一阵
vi. 下雹
vt. 1.招呼,高呼;2.热情赞扬,为...喝彩
hail from 来自,出生于
A: Would you like to have a hamburger?
B: No thanks. I’m a vegetarian.
n. 1.汉堡包;2.牛肉糜
A: I won a hamper in the raffle.
B: Well done. Can I have a share of your winnings!
vt. 妨碍,束缚,限制
n. (有盖的)大篮子
A: Do you know when our summer holidays are from university?
B: I’m not sure of the dates, but if you look in the handbook they are printed on the second page.
n. 手册,便览
A: Your injury must have been a severe handicap.
B: At the time it was, but now I have adapted.
n. 1.(身体或智力方面的)缺陷;2.障碍,不利条件
vt. 妨碍,使不利
A: There was a case of harassment in my workplace.
B: Sounds serious. What was the outcome?
n. 1.骚扰,扰乱;2烦恼,烦乱
A: Will I be able to leave these plants outdoors during the winter?
B: Yes, they are hardy and will survive the cold weather.
a. 1.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;2.(植物等)耐寒的
A: Do you play any musical instruments?
B: Yes, I play the harp.
n. 竖琴
vi. (on, upon) 唠叨,喋喋不休地说
A: That was a hasty retreat he made from the room.
B: I don’t think that he wanted to be here.
a. 1.草率的,轻率的;2.急速的,匆忙的,仓促完成的
A: Have the chicks hatched yet?
B: No, perhaps they will in a couple more days.
vt. 1.孵出,孵;2.筹划,图谋,策划
vi. (out)(小鸡等)出壳,孵出
n. 1.(飞机等的)舱门;2.(门等的)开口;3.孵化
A: I had to haul the coal indoor every day during the winter when I was a child.
B: Oh you poor thing, what a hard life!
vt. 1.(用力)拖,拉;2.(用车等)托运,运送
n. 1.拖,拉,拖运;2.一次获得(或偷得等)的数量
A: I heard that your house is haunted, how scary.
B: I’m not afraid of ghosts.
vt. 1.(鬼魂等)长出没于;2.使苦恼,使担忧;3.(思想,回忆等)萦绕在心头,缠绕
n. 常去的地方
A: The countryside offers me a welcome haven from city life.
B: Yes, it is necessary to get some clean and fresh air every once and a while.
n. 安全的地方,避难所,庇护所
A: There was havoc in the country when news of the war broke out.
B: I am not surprised.
n. 大破坏,大毁坏
play havoc with 毁坏,扰乱
A: That is a very large bird in the sky.
B: I think it is a type of hawk.
n. 1.鹰;2.(主战或主张强硬路线的)"鹰派"人物
vt. 叫卖,兜售
A: Did you enjoy your drive?
B: Not really. There was haze and I could not see much out of the window.
n. 1.烟雾;2.懵懂,迷糊
vi. (over) 变模糊,变朦胧
A: Let’s sit around the hearth tonight and tell stories.
B: Great idea, I’ll light the fire.
n. 炉床,壁炉边
A: I just bought 100 hectares of land.
B: That is a lot of land. What are you going to do with it?
n. 公顷
A: The policewoman’s talk heightened my awareness of the dangers in the city.
B: Yes, she gave an informed speech.
v. (使)提高,加强
A: I am the sole heir to my father’s wealth.
B: Lucky you. It is shame that your father is not very wealthy!
n. 继承人
A: Why are you wearing that helmet?
B: I am pretending to be a firefighter!
n. 头盔
A: Excuse me, but the hem on your skirt is showing.
B: Oh, thanks. I meant to sew it up this morning.
n. 贴边,镶边
vt. 1.给...缝贴边;2.(in)包围,限制,约束
A: Have you been to the Southern Hemisphere?
B: No, I have never even traveled outside of Europe.
n. 1.地球的半球;2.大脑半球
A: Henceforth, I promise to work much harder.
B: You promise that every year!
ad. 从今以后,从此以后
A: The trumpet blast heralded the news of the king’s arrival.
B: And did the crowds gather after hearing it?
vt. 1.预示...的来临(或发生);2.宣布,欢呼
n. 1.传令官,信使;2.预兆,先兆
A: This meal is very tasty.
B: Oh, that must be the herbs that I put into it.
n. 药草,(调味用的)香草,草本植物
A: Do you agree that the position of the King should be hereditary?
B: Well, I am not really a supporter of the monarchy, so no.
a. 1.遗传的,遗传性的;2.可继承的,世袭的
A: The castle is an important site of our national heritage.
B: Then why is it in ruin?
n. 遗产,继承物,传统
A: I have not seen you for days.
B: I decided to become a hermit!
n. 隐士,遁世者
A: The heroine of this play I think has the strongest role.
B: And the actress did a wonderful job performing it.
n. 1.女主角;2.女英雄
A: My new hairstyle is hideous.
B: No, it is not, it is just a bit different, that’s all.
a. 极其丑陋的,难看的
A: I dislike the hierarchy in my workplace.
B: Yes, I agree. It is competitive and unfair.
n. 1.等级制度;2.统治集团,领导层
A: Did you hear that the place was hijacked by terrorists?
B: Gosh, was anyone injured?
v. / n. 劫持(尤指动机)
A: I’m going for a two-day hike over the weekend.
B: I’d love to join you if the weather is good.
n. 1.徒步旅行;2.(数量,价格等)增加,上升
vi. 徒步旅行
vt. 提高(价格等)
A: May I help you in the kitchen, Dad?
B: No, you’ll hinder me, and I’ll be quicker by myself.
vt. 阻碍,妨碍
A: The door hinges are making a lot of noise.
B: Oh, could you oil them for me please?
n. 铰链
hinge on/ upon 依...而定,以...为转移
A: What is that noise in the grass?
B: I think it is a snake hissing, be careful.
vi. 1.发出嘶嘶声;2.发嘘声表示不满
vt. (因不满)对...发嘘声
A: I want to be a famous historian when I grow up.
B: What aspect of history do you want to focus on?
n. 历史学家,史学工作者
A: May I hitch a ride?
B: Sure, hop in, where do you want to go?
vt. 1.免费搭(车旅行);2.(用绳,钩等)系住,栓住,钩住;3.(up) 急速提起(或拉起)
vi. 免费搭车旅行
n. 1.故障,障碍;2.急提,急拉
A: I just discovered a piece of information hitherto unknown.
B: Excellent, I hope it will help us solve the case.
ad. 到目前为止,迄今
A: I think there is going to be a food shortage.
B: Don’t worry, I have a hoard in a secret location.
n. 贮藏,聚藏(物)
v. (up) 贮藏,囤积
A: I’m hoarse, I can’t speak.
B: How did you lose your voice?
a. (声音)嘶哑的,粗哑的
A: I’m going to play a game of hockey this afternoon, want to join in?
B: I won’t play, but I’ll watch.
n. 1.曲棍球;2.冰上曲棍球,冰球
A: Have you seen the hoe?
B: Not since the last time you were gardening.
n. 锄
v. 用锄整(地),用锄除草
A: They hoisted a flag in honour of our victory.
B: Indeed what an honour, but you deserved it.
vt. 举起,升起,吊起
n. 1.起重器械;2.举起,升起,吊起
A: Stop! What is that under your coat?
B: My gun and its holder.
n. 1.持有者,占有者;2.支托物,夹具
A: I’ve come to pay homage to you.
B: Why, I did nothing special.
n. 尊敬,敬意,崇敬
A: There are not very many nationalities represented in my country.
B: Yes, I agree, it is far too homogeneous.
a. 同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的
A: Put up your hood , it is raining.
B: I don’t have one , but I do have a umbrella.
n. 1.风帽,兜帽;2.罩,排风罩;3.车盖,(折叠式)车篷
A: There are hoof prints in the garden!
B: Oh, I went horse riding in the morning.
n. (马,牛等的)蹄
A: Shall we take a taxi?
B: No, let’s just hop on a bus, it is only a short journey.
vi. 1.(人)单足跳跃,单足跳行;2.(鸟,昆虫等)齐足跳跃,齐足跳行
vt. 跳上(汽车,火车,飞机等)
n. 1.蹦跳;2.(飞机的)短程航行
A: I was horrified by the tragic events.
B: Me too, they were shocking.
vt. 使震惊,使毛骨悚然
A: There has been an increase in hostility between the two fighting nations.
B: Yes, and I am afraid that it will soon get more serious.
n. 1.敌对,敌意,对抗;2.抵制,反对;3.[pl.]交战,战争
A: What type of dog is that ?
B: It is a hound .
n. 猎犬
vt. 追逼,烦扰,纠缠
A: The airplane hovered above the airport for ten minutes.
B: It must have been waiting for space to land on the runway.
vi. 1.(鸟等)翱翔,盘旋;2.逗留在近旁,徘徊;3.彷徨,犹豫
A: I heard a lot of howling last night.
B: Sorry, my dog wanted to come indoors.
vi. / n. 1.(狼,狗等)嗥叫,(风等)呼啸;2.(因愤怒,痛苦等)吼叫,哀号
A: Ah, look at those chicks all huddling together.
B: Aren’t they sweet?
vi. 1.聚集在一起,挤作一团;2.把身子蜷成一团,蜷缩
vt. 使聚集在一起
n. 挤在一起的人,一堆杂乱的东西
A: The hue from the lights was golden.
B: Yes, they created a wonderful atmosphere in the room.
n. 色彩,色调
hue and cry 1.大声抗议,呐喊;2.捉拿声
A: He hugged the teddy bear for a feeling of security.
B: Why didn’t he hug you?
vt. 1.(热烈地)拥抱;2.紧抱,怀抱
vi. 紧抱在一起,互相拥抱
n. 紧抱,热烈拥抱
A: Can you hum along to this tune?
B: I would if I knew it, but I am afraid that I don’t .
vi. 1.哼曲子;2.发嗡嗡声;3.(with)忙碌,活跃
vt. 哼(曲子)
n. 嗡嗡声,营营声,嘈杂声
A: What do you think is more beneficial to humanity, socks or shoes?
B: What type of a silly question is that!
n. 1.人类,[总称]人;2.人性;3.人道,博爱,仁慈;4.[pl.]人文学科
A: The humidity reached almost ninety five percent.
B: That is almost unbearable, you must have found it difficult.
n. 湿度,潮湿,湿气
A: You humiliated me in front of my friends.
B: Sorry, please forgive me, I didn’t intend it.
vt. 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸
A: Did you run in the race?
B: Yes, but I knocked down three hurdles and so came in last.
n. 1.跳栏,栏架;2.障碍,困难
vi. 进行跨栏赛
A: Please do not hurl the rubbish across the room, children.
B: Sorry Miss, we won’t do it again.
vt. 1.猛投,力掷;2.大声叫骂
A: The winds were so strong that I thought it was a hurricane.
B: Was there any damage done?
n. 飓风
A: I hushed the children up.
B: Good, they were making too much noise.
v. (使)安静下来
n. 安静,寂静
bush up 防止...张扬出去,掩盖
A: Do you like going into the city on the train?
B: No, there is too much noise and hustle.
vt. 1.推搡,猛推;2.竭力兜售或获取
vi. 1.竭力兜售或获取;2.催促,催赶
n. 忙碌,奔忙
A: Universities are how hybrids of the academic and the business worlds.
B: I agree, and unfortunately the students often get neglected.
n. 1.杂交生成的生物体,杂交植物(或动物);2.混合物,合成物
A: His hygiene standards are terrible.
B: Yeah, I don’t think that he has the chance to wash very often.
n. 卫生,保健学
A: We will sing the hymn on page 100 of your books today.
B: Oh, but we sang that one last week.
n. 赞美诗,圣歌,颂歌
A: My surname is Bailey Smith.
B: Is there hyphen between Bailey and Smith?
n. 连字符,连(字)号
A: His speech was utter hypocrisy.
B: I agree, it was very unreasonable.
n. 伪善,虚伪
A: Before we do the experiment, we have to form an hypothesis.
B: Do you have any suggestions?
n. 假说,假设,前提
A: The comedy show was hysterical.
B: Oh, but I did not find it to be particularly funny.
a. 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的