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时间: 未知2 口语
A: I need to change the wheel of my car, I have a flat.
B: I’ll help, do you have a jack ?
n. 千斤顶
vt. 1.用千斤顶顶起;2。停止,放弃;3。提高,增加
A: What type of stone is your ring?
B: It is jade , quite rare.
n. 1。玉,翡翠;2。浅绿(色)
A: Did you understand the article I gave you?
B: No, there was too much jargon and terms that I had not seen before.
n. 术语,行话
A: I’m going to rent a jeep for the weekend and drive to the mountains.
B: Great idea, can I come?
n. 吉普车
A: No, I’m not going to cheat on the exam.
B: Good, there is no point in jeopardising your degree.
vt. 危机,损害
A: You nearly hit Andrew on the head.
B: Good thing that he jerked just in time to miss it.
vt. 使猝然一动,猛拉
vi. 猝然一动
n. 急推,急拉,急扭
A: What would you like for your birthday?
B: Some new jewellery would be nice, maybe a necklace.
n. 珠宝,首饰
A: You’re so small you would make an excellent jockey .
B: Oh, I don’t like horse riding.
n. 1。骑师;2。[美俚]驾驶员,(机器等的)操作手
vi. (for) 谋取
vt. 劝说,诱使
A: I go for a short jog around the lake every night.
B: You must be very fit.
v. / n. 1。慢跑;2。(尤指不正当地)轻轻碰撞
jog sb.’s memory 唤起某人的记忆
A: Mr. Smith has a jolly sense of humour,
B: Yes, I have always found him to be very pleasant.
a. 快乐的,高兴的,愉快的
ad. 很,非常
vt. 劝服,哄
A: Was the car damaged in the accident?
B: No, it just got a slight jolt . There was no damage done.
vt. 1。使颠簸,使摇晃;2。使震惊
vi. 颠簸,摇晃
n. 1。震动,摇动,颠簸;2。震惊
A: The judicial proceedings will take place after all the evidence has been collected.
B: How long do you think that will take?
a. 1。司法的,法庭的,审判的;2。明断的,公正的
A: Shall I pour the milk into a jug ?
B: Yes, if you can find a clean one!
n. 1。大罐,壶;2。一大罐(壶)的容量
A: I’m trying to juggle two jobs at once.
B: That must be difficult, how do you manage?
v. 1。(用球等)玩杂耍;2。尽力应付,力图平衡;3。篡改(数字等)以图掩盖
A: There is a jumbo edition of the magazine out this week.
B: Are you sure you will have time to read it?
a. 特大的,巨型的
n. 大型喷气式飞机
A: The traffic lights on the main junction are out this week.
B: Are you sure you will have time to read it ?
n. 联结点,(道路等的)会合点,枢纽
A: What are you doing in your room?
B: I’m trying to clear it of all the junk I have collected over the years.
n. 废旧物品,破烂
vt. 丢弃,废弃
A: What are you doing in this part of town?
B: Sir, it is my new jurisdiction .
n. 1。司法权,审判权,裁判权;2。权力,管辖权; 3。权限,管辖范围
A: Sorry, Sir, my dog ate my homework.
B: That is not adequate justification for being late again.
n. 正当的理由,借口
A: John was taken to the juvenile court for the hearing.
B: Oh, that is right he is only 14 and too young to be on trial in the central court.
a. 1。少年的,少年特有的;2。幼稚的,不成熟的
n. 未成年人,少年