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时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解


  The prospect of heading off these problems is bleak. In many affected countries there arecultural factorsto contend with, such as an emphasis on eating large meals together, or onfood as a form. of hospitality.Moreover, there is a good measure of disbelief on the part ofpolicymakers that such a problem Could existin their countries. Add to that reluctance on thepart of governments to spend resources on promoting dietand exercise while starvation is stilla real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction. Unless something is done soon, it mightnot be possible to turn the clock back.


  Choose correct answers to the question:

  1.The first sentence of the passage most probably implies that ______.

  A.many Americans are obsessed with the rising temperature in their bathroom

  B.more people are overweighed in the United States

  C.people are doing more physical exercises with the help of scales

  D.youngsters become taller and healthier thanks to more activities

  2.As physical exercise declines and diet expands, ______.

  A.other western countries has been defeated by fat

  B.obesity has become an epidemic(流行病)of the rich world

  C.waistbands begin to be popular in other western countries

  D.western countries can no longer fight against obesity

  3.Which is NOT the point of the example of the Pacific Islands?

  A.The poor community has shaken off poverty and people are well-fed now.

  B.Obesity is becoming a problem in the developing world too.

  C.Excessive weight increase will cause no less harm than the food shortage.

  D.The problem of overweight emerges very fast.

  4.Of tackling obesity in the poor world, we can learn from the passage that____

  A.the matter is so complex as to go beyond our capacity

  B.no matter what we do, the prospect will always be bleak

  C.it is starvation, the real threat, that needs to be solved

  D.we should take immediate actions before it becomes incurable

  5.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A.Obesity is now a global problem that needs tackling.

  B.The weights increase fast throughout the whole world.

  C.Obesity and starvation are two main problems in the poor world.

  D.Obesity has shifted from the rich world to the poor world.


  1.[B] 推理判断题。根据第1段第2句可推断第1句中的the number是指体重增加的人数,故答案为B。

  2.[B] 推理判断题。本题需要正确理解借代修饰手法。Waistbands have been popping形象刻画出其他西方社会急剧肥胖化的过程,故答案为B。本题很明显是考查因果关系的,第1段倒数第2句明确指出这个因果关系,只要根据该句做出选择就可以了。如果看得过远,反而有可能误选A或D。

  3.[A] 事实细节题。此处的例子是证明前一句话的,即But后面的内容。同时,两个年份的比较也突出问题发展的迅猛,从而印证下一段的主题句“This increase in weight has been uneven as well as fast.”说明了贫穷与肥胖是并存的。例子一般是用来证明紧挨着的前面或后面的论述,此处证明的观点在之前,其中的重点应该是But后面的内容,所以选项A与文中意思不符。注意本题要选的是NOT the point of the example。

  4.[D] 观点态度题。文章最后一句扭转了整段的基调。作者呼吁解决这一问题,前文正是为此作铺垫,突出问题的复杂性和时间的紧迫性。

  5.[A] 主旨大意题。本文话题为obesity,作者从美国谈到所有西方国家,最后重点讨论其在发展中国家的最新发展趋势以及种种可能的成因,并强调应当尽早解决问题,故选项A正确。肥胖问题的阵营没有转移,只是扩大了,故选项D不对。选项B只是片面信息,没有包括最后一段关于如何解决肥胖问题的内容。选项C中的starvation并非本文讨论的主要话题。


  The dancers stand motionless at their position and the room grows silent. But as the musicstarts, they began to move, bending, turning and waving their fans gracefully as theyperform. a traditional Japanese dance. Yoshihiro Kuroki watches in silence, occasionallymaking notes. But as the dance ends, he beams with happiness. The performance has beenflawless.

  There have been many performances of traditional Japanese dances over the centuries, butthis one is unique,because it is performed not by human dancers but by robots. And theperformance takes place not in a dance studio but in a laboratory of Sony Corp.'sEntertainment Robot Co. in Shinagawa, Japan, where Kuroki isgeneral manager. He is themastermind behind a series of even more capable humanoid entertainment robots,startingwith the Sony Dream Robot, or SDR, in 1997, up to the current QRIO in 2003.

  These delightful machines are only 58 cm tall, about the size of a newborn infant, weigh about7 kg, and move with 38 degrees of freedom, each with its own servomotor(辅助马达).

  QRIO's predecessor, the SDR4X, announced in 2002, can walk, dance, sing, speak,recognize faces, and understand continuous speech. Each robot has two charge-coupled-device cameras to detect color and position andcan locate a colored ball, move toward it, andkick it into a goal. It also has contact sensors in severaljoints to avoid pinching real humanfingers. Seeing the robot perform, it is difficult to remember that there is no sentience(知觉)behind those glass eyes.


  Choose correct answers to the question:

  1.Which of the following is the most suitable title of this passage?

  A.New Entertainment Robots Produced in Japan.

  B.QRIO the Robot Dancers.

  C.Robots Man's Best Friend.

  D.An Extraordinary Performance in Sony's Lab.

  2.Yoshihiro Kuroki ______.

  A.is excited when the robots are performing a traditional Japanese dance

  B.keeps silent because he is a little unsatisfied with the new product

  C.witnesses the creation of a series of entertainment robots

  D.is an executive manager of Sony Corp.

  3.Which aspect of the robots is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  A.The vividness of their motion.

  B.Their pleasant appearance.

  C.Their smart designing principles.

  D.Their communicative ability.

  4.The Sony Dream Robot was___

  A.the first human-like entertainment robot developed by the Sony Corp

  B.as capable as the QRIO of speaking,dancing,singing and walking

  C.largest among all the entertainment robot developed by the Sony Corp

  D.the first entertainment robot sold at the market by the Sony Corp

  5.The robot can locate colored balls by mens of ____

  A.a charge-coupled device

  B.two cameras

  C.two contacts sensors

  D.a digital detector


  1.[A] 主旨大意题。标题需要既全面又突出地概括文章的主题。本文先是描述“舞蹈演员”,然后揭晓这是些“机器人”(第2段第1句),接着对Sony公司的一些机器人产品进行详细介绍。选项A比较全面地概括了文章内容。选项B、D只是涉及细节,不能全面地概括本文的内容。而C又过于笼统,不具有针对性。

  2.[C] 事实细节题。选项C符合第2段最后一句“He is the mastermind behind a series of... robots...”。仔细阅读有关的细节信息会发现,第1段第3句可帮助否定选项A。第1段最后两句可帮助否定选项B。另外,根据第2段倒数第2句可否定选项D。

  3.[D] 事实细节题。全文分四段,分别讨论机器人三方面的特点:第1段和第2段描述机器人舞蹈演员栩栩如生的表演,即选项A;第3段描写它们的外表,即选项B;第4段介绍它们巧妙的设计,即选项C;只有选项D是没有提到的,故为答案。

  4.[A] 推理判断题。该句中的分词结构“starting with...”表明the Sony Dream Robot是第一个人形娱乐机器人,因此选项A正确。文章在最后一段的第1句提到两种能说话、跳舞的机器人,但没有提到SDR是否和它们一样,由此可否定选项B。在第3段讨论机器人大小的时候也没有提到SDR体型最大,因此选项C不正确。选项D在文中没有讨论到。

  5.[B] 事实细节题。该句中“two…cameras to...”的结构表明这两个摄像头可以用于定位,所以选项B正确。选项A在该句中也有提到,但它只是摄像机的工作机制,而不是用于定位的装置。选项C在下一句提到,但与题干提到的定位功能无关。选项D在文中并未提及。
