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时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解



  1. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

  A. All international managers can learn culture.

  B. Business diversity is not necessary.

  C. Views differ on how to treat culture in business world.

  D. Most people do not know foreign culture well.

  2. According to the author, the model of Pepsi .

  A. is in line with the theories of the school advocating the business is business the world around

  B. is different from the model of McDonald’s

  C. shows the reverse of globalization

  D. has converged cultural differences

  3. The two schools of thought .

  A. both propose that companies should tailor business approaches to individual cultures

  B. both advocate that different policies be set up in different countries C. admit the existence of cultural diversity in business world

  D. Both A and B

  4. This article is supposed to be most useful for those .

  A. who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversity

  B. who have connections to more than one type of culture

  C. who want to travel abroad

  D. who want to run business on International Scale

  5. According to Fortune, successful international companies .

  A. earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas

  B. all have the quality of patience

  C. will follow the overseas local cultures

  D. adopt the policy of internationalization


  1. C推断题。意为“对在商业中怎样对待文化有着不同意见”。 文化在商业中是一个很具挑战性的因素。不同的国家与地区可能会有不同的文化体系。在商业中,应该怎样对待不同的文化,商业界存在着不同的看法。

  2. A细节题。意为“……与同意世界商业一体化的派别的主张是一致的”。 Pepsi采纳的是国际化的商业风格,这与那些主张国际化的派别的意见是相一致的。

  3. C推断题。意为“承认商业世界中文化的多元性”。两个派别都承认商业世界中文化的多元性。他们的不同在于,应该对待不同的文化,应该搞国际化还是对不同的文化采取不同的策略。

  4. D主旨题。由文中的例子可以知道,作者主要关心的并不是研究多种文化形态,而是文化背景对商业运作的影响。所以D是正确答案。

  5. B细节题。意为“都具有耐心这一素质”。并非所有成功的国际公司的海外收入都占总收入的20%或以上。它们也不一定全都接纳海外的当地文化,或是采纳国际化策略。