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时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解


  So it is that over the past eighty years the Trust has become a big important organization andan essential and respected part of national life, preserving all that is of great natural beautyand of historical significance not only for future generations of Britons but also for the millionsof tourists who each year invade Britain in search of a great historical and cultural heritage.


  1.The National Trust is ______.

  A.a rich government department

  B.a charity supported mainly by the public

  C.a group of areas of great natural beauty

  D.an organization supported by public taxes

  2. The "Country House Scheme" was started _______________.

  A. with the founding of the National Trust

  B. as the first project of the National Trust

  C. after Lord Lothian's donation

  D. to protect Lord Lothian's house

  3. Land protected by the National Trust ______________.

  A. can be developed and modernized

  B. includes naturally and historically valuable sites

  C. consists of country houses and nature reserves

  D. is primarily for tourists to Britain

  4. The word "invade" in the last paragraph is used to emphasize that_____________.

  A. the British do not like tourists

  B. tourists to Britain are unfriendly

  C. tourists come to Britain in large numbers

  D. Britain is attacked by masses of tourists

  5. The main purpose of this passage is to ______________.

  A. inform the readers about the National Trust

  B. promote the National Trust's membership

  C. make people aware of the natural beauty of Britain

  D. let the general public share the views of the National Trust


  1.[B] 事实细节题。从文章第1段末句可找到答案。选项A显然与原文意思相反,选项C和D则无原文依据。

  2.[C] 推理判断题。第2段第2句表明洛锡安勋爵捐赠了他的房产后,这个计划才启动起来,因此选项C正确,也由此可以否定选项A。根据第2段最后两句可知这个计划是为了保护具有历史价值的房子,而不仅仅是为了保护洛锡安勋爵的房子,因此选项D不对。

  3.[B] 事实细节题。最后一段从preserving开始的部分指出了本题的答案。第3段倒数第2句所说的“nodevelopment or disturbances of any kind are permitted”可帮助排除选项A;选项C内容不完整;选项D中的限制词primarily使用不妥,无原文依据。

  4.[C] 词义推断题。由invade 所在的句子“for the millions of tourists who each year invade.。”可知这是托管会保护自然美景和历史胜地的原因所在。从而可以推断出invade强调来英国游玩的游客之多,因此选项C为正确答案。

  5.[A] 主旨大意题。纵观全文可发现the National Trust和the Trust在文章开头以及文中反复出现,文章是一篇说明文,主要目的是介绍the National Trust的机构性质及其功能,因此选项A正确。文章未讨论托管会的成员问题,因此选项B不正确。最后两段虽然提到英国的自然景色很美,但这并非文章的主题思想,因此选项C不对。本题最具干扰性的是选项D,但是本文并不是一篇议论文,其目的不是让读者认同其中的观点,文章更多的是用说明性的语言来说明托管会的一些做法。