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时间: 焯杰2 翻译


  中国幅员辽阔,国土横跨多个纬度(degrees of latitude),地势(terrain)复杂,气候变化十分明显。中国是一个庞大的国家,疆土一望无际,其居民数量众多,且民族多种多样。中国国土面积仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大,位居世界第三,占据了亚洲约四分之一的面积。中国有多个温度和降雨量分布区,包括大陆季风气候区(continental monsoon areas)。中国的气候具有明显的四季特征,因此冬夏温差显著。


  China has a vast land which spans many degrees of latitude with complicated terrain and the climate varies radically.China is a huge country with endless territory.It has a large number of population and a variety of ethnic groups.China is the third largest country in the world,only after Russia and Canada,accounting for almost a quarter of the land of Asia.China has several temperature and rainfall zones,including continental monsoon areas.China's climate is featured by distinct four seasons,which leads to remarkable winter and summer temperature differences.

  1.横跨多个纬度,地势复杂:“维度”用degrees of latitude表示,“横跨多个维度”译为span many degrees of latitude; “地势复杂”可译为 complicated terrain。注:“经度”为 degrees of longitude。

  2.中国是一个庞大的国家,疆土一望无际,其居民数量众多,且民族多种多样:这句的主干可翻译为China is a huge country with...。“疆土一望无际”可用endless territory表示,territory表示“领土,领域”;“民族”翻译为ethnic groups。

  3.中国的气候具有明显的四季特征,因此冬夏温差显著:“具有明显的四季特征”翻译为is featured by distinct four seasons;“因此...显著”可用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,即which leads to...。


  中国的目标是,到2020年,从可再生能源中获取的能源量达到能源总量的20%,该目标与更富有的欧盟成员国所制定的目标一致。目前,中国在可再生能源产能(renewable energy capacity)方面世界领先。中国禁止使用塑料袋已经许多年了。从20世纪50年代开始,政府鼓励居民植树造林、退耕还林。60年后,森林覆盖率从0.3%上升到了令人难以置信的约21%。在中国还可以看到无数类似的努力。


  China aims at making the amount of power generated by renewable means reach to 20 percent of total power in 2020.This target is the same as that set by the richer EU member states.At present,China is world-leading in renewable energy capacity.China has banned the use of plastic bags for many years.Since 1950s,the government has encouraged its residents to plant trees to form forests and return the grain plots to forestry.Sixty years later,the forest coverage has risen from 0.3 percent to the incredible about 21 percent.Countless similar efforts can also be seen across China.

  1.中国的目标是,到2020年,从可再生能源中获取的能源量达到能源总量的20%:“中国的目标是”翻译China aims at;“从可再生能源中获取的能源量”可以理解为“通过可再生能源的方式获取的能源量”,即the amount of power generated by renewable means。

  2.中国在可再生能源产能方面世界领先:“可再生能源产能”译为renewable energy capacity;“世界领先”可译为形容词world-leading或名词短语the world leader。

  3.政府鼓励居民植树造林、退耕还林:表达“鼓励某人做某事”的常用结构是 encourage sb.to do sth.;“居民”为residents或inhabitants;“植树造林”可用plant trees to form forests来表示;“退耕还林”可用 return the grain plots to forestry来表示。
